It truly takes a village to raise a child and the school community has never been more essential in supporting our students. In my high school Leadership class, we add these kindness holidays and staff appreciation dates directly to our classroom calendar so we remember to recognize all of these important people each year.
For some, we have developed traditions over the years for how we recognize these people; for others, the students brainstorm, decide, and plan new projects each year. Either way, I always stress the need for genuine gratitude and kindness behind whatever act they do.
We pretty much always write heart-felt thank you cards, for some we incorporate our recognition into our school assemblies, and for the general kindness days, we like to conduct some sort of project. If you want to brainstorm, plan, and conduct your own, you’ll definitely want to download this FREE Kindness Project kit here. Then, check out this blog post that covers 13 awesome ideas for kindness projects to start brainstorming.
The exact dates for most of these holidays vary year-to-year, so I’m just giving their approximate times of year. Be sure to have your leadership or student council students look up the dates for the current year to add them to your class calendar!

Grandparents’ Day / first Sunday after Labor Day: read this brief history of this holiday and write a heartfelt card
Good Neighbor Day / late September: use these suggestions for ways to be a good neighbor
School Principal Month / all month
School Custodian Day / early October
Coaches Day / early October: read this brief history and some ideas to celebrate this holiday
New Friend Day / mid-October: use these ideas to celebrate new friends made so far this year
Veterans Day / November 11th: read the history of this day and use these ideas to honor veterans in your community
World Kindness Day / mid-November: use these ideas to spread kindness
Thanksgiving (US) / fourth Thursday in November: use these ideas to express gratitude on this day
Education Support Professional Day / mid-November
Substitute Teacher Day / mid-November: use these ideas to honor your substitute teachers
School Board Month / all month: use these ideas to honor your school board
School Resource Officer Day / early January
Thank Your Mentor Day / late January: write and send a heartfelt letter about how this person has impacted your life
School Counselor Week / first full week of February: use these ideas to honor your school counselors
Send a Card to a Friend Day / early February: host a card-making workshop using these fun DIY card ideas
Random Acts of Kindness Week / mid-February: use these great curriculum and ideas from the RAK Foundation
Maintenance Worker Day / early March
School Social Worker Week / mid-March: use these ideas for celebrating
Let’s Laugh Day / mid-March: let your creativity shine with this silly holiday
Saint Patrick’s Day / March 17th: use this day to tell someone why you are lucky to have them in your life
Paraprofessional Day / early April
School Librarian Day / early April: help your librarian out by creating a book recommendation display
Assistant Principal Day / early April
Sibling Day / mid-April: take and/or share a funny photo of you and your sibling(s)
School Volunteer Day / late April: use these ideas to honor your school’s volunteers
Administrative Professional Week / late April
School Nurse, Bus Driver, School Lunch Hero, Principal Day / early May: check out this TED Talk explaining the origins of School Lunch Hero Day
Teacher Appreciation Week / first full week of May: check out this list of 41 teacher appreciation ideas
Mother’s Day / second Sunday of May: host a gift-making workshop using one of these awesome DIY gifts ideas
Thank Your Teacher/ end of school year: write heartfelt letters to former teachers who impacted you
Father’s Day / third Sunday in June: host a gift making workshop using one of these awesome DIY gifts ideas
The impact of a heartfelt, handwritten thank you card can’t ever be overstated, which is why writing them has become a staple in my Leadership class. Check out this kit of over 150 different card designs to get your students spreading kindness no matter the situation or my popular 3-part thank you project in which students expand their gratitude beyond their school’s campus.

Image credits: Kelly Sikkema