9 Easy Civics PBL Project Ideas That Will Empower Your Students
Doable real-world PBL civics project ideas you can easily do in your middle or high school government & Civics classroom.
Doable real-world PBL civics project ideas you can easily do in your middle or high school government & Civics classroom.
It’s easy to focus on just the President when teaching the Executive Branch, but it’s important also to stress the role of the four million other people who make up…
Probably the most fundamental part of teaching the executive branch is the president's expressed and implied powers and all the roles they fulfill. But it’s a long list, and it…
Including the Electoral College in your civics and government class is essential. And since it’s a bit complicated, it’s a great topic to spend a few days on because there…
The legislative branch has a lot to cover and is always taught first, meaning it can easily take time away from teaching the other two branches. But with a few…
Once kids are in high school, there usually isn’t time or the need to spend a whole week solely doing relationship-building activities. But you should still do something those first…
Use these examples of civics activities and lesson ideas to bring real-life political engagement into your middle or high school Civics and Government class.
There’s no teaching civics and government without a lesson on how a bill becomes a law, but it’s one that’s often left to verbalizing the steps and displaying a flowchart.…
The judicial branch has always been my favorite of the three branches to teach, perhaps because it’s the most skimmed-over and underappreciated. Even almost 250 years later, it still hasn’t fully shaken…
Your Civil Liberties or Judicial Branch unit isn’t complete without spending a few days teaching about landmark Supreme Court cases. However, many cases have this distinction, so deciding which ones to include can be…