Active Citizen Service Civics Project

Active Citizen Service Civics Project


Teach the responsibilities of citizens and active citizenship with the course-long civics service project.

In this complete print-and-go project kit, students will become informed, engaged citizens, completing various political and community volunteer opportunities and projects.

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There’s no better way to teach about Government and Civics, than to do it! Turn your students into citizens with this independent project that will satisfy any political or community service hours requirement.

Featured Service Projects:

  • Write letters to the editor and op-ed essays
  • Research current issues and write to elected officials
  • Attend and speak at school board, city council, and community meetings
  • Interact with elected officials on social media

The beauty of this project is your ability to customize it to meet local standards, school board policies, time restraints, and interests. 

Each service project is universal enough to be completed by any student, yet meaningful enough to create real democratic participation and change!

Included in this complete PBL project kit:

  • Project Overview with tips for success 
  • 4 BINGO-style Boards with the projects mixed up to create competition
  • Action Log record sheet to list out completed projects
  • Fine Print direction sheets explaining each project
  • Issue Research form to guide researching background information on issues used in the projects
  • Reflection sheet with a rubric to thoughtfully synthesize at the end
  • Editable Google file version of the project board and reflection sheet

This resource is 20 PDF pages, plus Google files.

Additional Information

What grades is this intended for?
This was designed for high school, but could still work for upper middle school, especially since an editable version of the action board is included. You can tweak or swap out any of the included actions.

Can I use this in a homeschooling setting?

Sure! Everything in this kit can easily be used in a solo or a small-group setting. The included how-to reference handouts for completing the writing projects will help you teach the skills of active citizenship!

Is this editable? What file types does this resource come in?

The main resource comes as a secured, non-editable PDF file intended to be printed.

Included are links to an editable project board and reflection sheet, both Google files, to customize to your classroom needs and assign digitally if you choose. 

What standards does this address?

Several! Standards vary, but this resource supports these from various states:

  • Analyze the duties, responsibilities, and obligations of citizenship, including being informed about civic affairs and serving the public good 
  • Analyze the various methods of participation in the political process at the local, state, and national levels 
  • Explain the importance of civic participation  
  • Research social studies issues, analyzing sources 
  • Write arguments appropriate to the audience and task

What are the terms of use for this resource?

This resource, including all ancillary files, may be used as needed for regular, non-commercial single-classroom use between a teacher and their students

This includes printing copies and sharing digital files with students through a secure platform, like Google Classroom or Canvas, email, or a classroom-only shared drive.

The using and sharing of any part of this resource in any manner outside the above-mentioned capacity is strictly prohibited. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to,

  • posting files on the open internet or in a Facebook group
  • emailing files to or sharing print copies with others (without purchasing additional licenses)
  • uploading or storing files in a shared cloud drive accessible by anyone other than students
  • including any part, or any derivative work, within any commercial endeavor like curriculum development, professional training, or for-profit teaching like Outschool, or selling this resource as your own in either print or digital formats

Doing so violates the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), copyright law, and these terms.

By downloading this resource from Let’s Cultivate Greatness, the original user has been granted one license for a single teacher (or number of teachers matching the number of licenses purchased) and their students at any one time. 

Let’s Cultivate Greatness retains the full copyright of this resource.


As a civics teacher with students with various learning needs, this activity was extremely comprehensive and easy to use! I was extremely happy with it. Thank you!  – TPT seller

I loved using this resource with my students. It was a scaffolded, step-by-step approach for them to create their civic action plan! – Veronica C.

This was great, step-by-step, detailed resource that was great for getting my students engaged. I used this for my leadership class and it showed my students how to work to make a difference. – Rachel R.