Assembly Planning Forms Kit

Assembly Planning Forms Kit


Plan amazing assemblies with your Student Council or Leadership students using this universal assembly planning kit.

Everything from the back-to-school assembly to sports pep assemblies to guest speakers can be brainstormed, executed, and debriefed with this kit!

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No better way to learn about leadership than to do it! Guide your student to hosting ANY assembly with these universal forms.

Forms included: proposal to planning sheets, calendars to day-of forms, role and responsibilities to rubrics and reflections.

What used to be a headache of disarray, trying to keep students focused now is smooth sailing with clear plans, agreed-upon responsibilities, and an invaluable paper trail for next year’s leaders to follow.

You’re simply the consultant as they take ownership by brainstorming, preparing, facilitating, and reflecting on their assembly.

The best part is the step-by-step guide the students create along the way, essentially a how-to guide for next year’s students!

Included in this complete kit:

  • Teacher Notes on how to maximize all the included resources
  • Backward Planning Tips checklist for stress-free planning
  • Assembly Proposal and Criteria Checklist forms for presenting new assembly ideas
  • Roles and Responsibilities to form a committee with clear duties and commitments
  • Project Calendar for planning the weeks leading up to the assembly
  • How-To Guide Checklist for assembling records to create a useful guide for next year’s group
  • Planning Log and Event Log for turn-key step-by-step directions for next year’s group
  • Group, Individual, and Ideas for Next Time Reflection sheets for the day-after
  • Rubrics in student-friendly language
  • Print PDF & Editable Google Slides versions of all student sheets


This resource is 16 PDF pages, plus Google files.

Additional Information

What grades is this intended for?
This should work for either middle or high school students. I have used it with 9th through 12th graders, but these activities don’t require any high school-specific skills. Please read the description and examine the preview file closely to determine if it is appropriate for your students.

What supports are included? Can I modify this?
Detailed teacher directions and editable Google file versions of student materials are included so you can modify activities to suit your group’s needs and setting. 

What are the terms of use for this resource?

This resource, including all ancillary files, may be used as needed for regular, non-commercial single-classroom use between a teacher and their students

This includes printing copies and sharing digital files with students through a secure platform, like Google Classroom or Canvas, email, or a classroom-only shared drive.

The using and sharing of any part of this resource in any manner outside the above-mentioned capacity is strictly prohibited. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to,

  • posting files on the open internet or in a Facebook group
  • emailing files to or sharing print copies with others (without purchasing additional licenses)
  • uploading or storing files in a shared cloud drive accessible by anyone other than students
  • including any part, or any derivative work, within any commercial endeavor like curriculum development, professional training, or for-profit teaching like Outschool, or selling this resource as your own in either print or digital formats

Doing so violates the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), copyright law, and these terms.

By downloading this resource from Let’s Cultivate Greatness, the original user has been granted one license for a single teacher (or number of teachers matching the number of licenses purchased) and their students at any one time. 

Let’s Cultivate Greatness retains the full copyright of this resource.


I used this with the flip card set. It made my students accountable for their planning and gave them structure to follow, while encouraging them to be creative in creating school spirit and culture. Thank you!! – Adeana

Very useful as a framework for my purposes! Thanks! fellow TPT seller