Civics and Government Inquiry Full Course Curriculum Bundle for High School


Transform your high school Civics and Government class with this inquiry-driven and project-based complete done-for-you semester course.

Whether you’re new to Civics or looking to upgrade to something powerful, this course will cultivate intrigue and skills in your students to be informed and engaged change-makers.

Best of all, every student activity is available in print PDF and paperless Google files, making it perfect for any setting.

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Three Branches of Government Inquiry PBL & DBQ Unit

Explore the 3 Branches of Government with a critical lens, everything from the text of Articles I, II, and III and checks and balances to current members of Congress, the Cabinet, and the Supreme Court.

This inquiry-driven, source-based PBL unit asks students to answer, "How democratic is America's government really?"

Voting Timeline Activity

Challenge your students to test their incoming knowledge of America’s voting history with this collaborative activity that’s perfect for your Voting & Election or Civil Liberties unit.

Student materials come in both printable PDF and digital Google files!

Candidate Debate Viewing Guide

The perfect Presidential, Senate, or Governor political debate viewing form for watching and analyzing the candidates!

Student materials come in both printable PDF and digital Google files!

Civics & Government First Day Stations Activity Kit

Your first day of Civics or Government class is D-O-N-E. Use these 6 print-and-go station activities to introduce yourself and your syllabus and course content!

This kit comes in print PDF and editable Google Slides.

Civics & US History First Week Thematic Kick-Off Activity Kit

Handed out your syllabus and completed a few icebreakers. Now what?

Building a thematic and inquiry-based foundation is crucial in the first week of your U.S. History or Civics class.

These 6 tried-and-true activities will start your year strong and set your Civics or US History class up to make meaningful connections throughout the year!

Foundations of American Democracy Inquiry PBL & DBQ Unit

Lay a strong foundation for your Civics students by exploring the founding documents and principles of American democracy and the nation's quest to fulfill those ideals.

This inquiry-driven, primary source-based unit asks students to answer, “How exactly is our American democracy defined?”

Voting & Elections Inquiry PBL & DBQ Unit

Explore voting rights, voting behavior, and turnout, this election's candidates, and political party platforms, culminating in a mock election.

This inquiry-driven, source-based PBL unit asks students to answer, "Is voting a responsibility, a right, or a privilege?"

Civil Liberties Inquiry PBL & DBQ Unit

Dig into how our civil liberties of free speech, privacy, criminal rights, and equality are shaped by the Bill of Rights, the 9 Justices of the Supreme Court, and landmark Supreme Court cases. 

This inquiry-driven, source-based PBL unit asks students to answer, "How are my rights really defined?"

US Constitution & Bill of Rights Simplified Notes

Confidently guide students through the text of the US Constitution, plus all 27 Amendments, so that they can see for themselves their rights and the powers of the US government.

Two versions included: blank for student paraphrasing or pre-filled paraphrasing at a middle/high level.

Active Citizen Service Civics Project

Teach the responsibilities of citizens and active citizenship with the course-long civics service project.

In this complete print-and-go project kit, students will become informed, engaged citizens, completing various political and community volunteer opportunities and projects.

Inaugural Address & State of the Union Kit

View the upcoming Inaugural Address or State of the Union, predicting, analyzing, and discussing the whole way through with these two activity kits.

Both contain mix-and-match activities that can be scaled up or down to challenge students at their level and to fit your time constraints.

Civics & Government Key Concepts Posters

More confidently teach your Civics or American Government with these 12 minimalist key concept posters. These are perfect to help students learn and use key political and government terms throughout your class.

These posters come in two sizes--8.5x11 and 11x17-- and are designed for your high school classroom.

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Washington DC Statehood Research Essay PBL

Should the US amend the Constitution to grant Washington DC statehood status, or should it remain a federal district? 

Have your students take on the role of presidential advisors and research this legislative branch constitutional issue in this highly-scaffolded research essay PBL.

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Judicial Term Limits Essay PBL

Should the US amend the Constitution to impose term limits or mandatory retirement ages for federal judges, including the Supreme Court? 

Have your students take on the role of presidential advisors and research this judicial branch constitutional issue in this highly-scaffolded research essay PBL.

Legislative Branch Lecture & Notes Kit

Confidently teach the legislative branch and the inner workings of Congress with this complete lecture kit.

It comes with ready-to-go guided notes, a test question bank, and a slide-by-slide teacher script.

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Executive Branch Lecture & Notes Kit

Confidently teach the executive branch and the powers of the President with this complete lecture kit.

It comes with ready-to-go guided notes, a test question bank, and a slide-by-slide teacher script.

Judicial Branch Lecture & Notes Kit

Confidently teach the judicial branch, the federal court system, and the Supreme Court with this complete lecture kit.

It comes with ready-to-go guided notes, a test question bank, and a slide-by-slide teacher script.

Student Council or Leadership Reflection Questions Flip Deck

These 56 student council- and leadership-specific questions develop the crucial leadership skills of reflecting on past events and goal-setting for the future.

Organized into 7 different categories of questions and fully customizable, these questions will work beautifully any time of year, regardless of your program setup.

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Your download-and-done, semester-long curriculum contains:

  • Course Overview and Suggested Calendar
  • 4 inquiry-driven content units with optional PBL components
  • 2 semester-long projects on citizenship and civic engagement
  • Capstone research paper project with 3 PBL options to pick from
  • Detailed unit overview, pacing guide, lesson plans, and answer keys with each unit
  • Plus, a bunch more!

Download the FREE Course Overview and Suggested Calendar to see how this course will increase your impact to empower students!

Be sure to check out these FREE lesson activities to try before buying:

Inquiry and project-based teaching bring focused rigor and true real-world dimension to your daily lessons. And the personalized, authentic products students create are so inspiring. 

Teach a rich and meaningful course with these resources, completely independent of a textbook. 

Included in this full-course bundle:

Intro Activities

4 Inquiry-Driven Units

  • Foundations of American Democracy Unit: Ask “How is our American democracy defined?” by challenging students to pair the words of founding documents to our core principles and modern events
  • Voting & Election Unit: Ask “Is voting an American responsibility, right, or a privilege?” by challenging students to be informed voters for a mock election
  • 3 Branches Unit: Ask “How democratic is America’s government?” by challenging students to interview a trusted adult to help them decide for themselves
  • Civil Liberties Unit Unit: Ask “How are my Constitutional rights defined?” by challenging students to create their own Constitutionally-protected message

Course-Long Units

Research Essay PBL Projects

Additional Kits

  • Exclusive Bonus! Binder covers and spines for the course and each unit

These resources total over 1,000 PDF pages, plus Google files.

What grades is this intended for?
This was designed for high school. Middle school teachers have had success with the smaller, individual activity kits that are also available in the LCG shop.

What supports are included? How can I modify this?
Many supports are included in each resource. Please see those product listings for more details. See below for editing options.

Can I use this in a homeschooling setting?

Sure! Several families have reported success using this in a solo or small group setting. Keep in mind this is designed for a classroom setting, so some activities will need to be completed slightly differently. 

Is this editable? What file types does this resource come in?

The main resource files come as secured, non-editable PDFs intended to be printed.

Included are links to editable Google files of student materials to customize to your classroom needs and assign digitally if you choose. The skill sheet handouts are not editable. 

What standards does this address?

Several! Standards vary, but every resource in this course hits multiple content and skill standards. See the individual product listing for lists of them.  

What are the terms of use for this resource?

This resource, including all ancillary files, may be used as needed for regular, non-commercial single-classroom use between a teacher and their students

This includes printing copies and sharing digital files with students through a secure platform, like Google Classroom or Canvas, email, or a classroom-only shared drive.

The using and sharing of any part of this resource in any manner outside the above-mentioned capacity is strictly prohibited. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to,

  • posting files on the open internet or in a Facebook group
  • emailing files to or sharing print copies with others (without purchasing additional licenses)
  • uploading or storing files in a shared cloud drive accessible by anyone other than students
  • including any part, or any derivative work, within any commercial endeavor like curriculum development, professional training, or for-profit teaching like Outschool, or selling this resource as your own in either print or digital formats

Doing so violates the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), copyright law, and these terms.

By downloading this resource from Let’s Cultivate Greatness, the original user has been granted one license for a single teacher (or number of teachers matching the number of licenses purchased) and their students at any one time. 

Let’s Cultivate Greatness retains the full copyright of this resource.

This is the best curriculum product I have ever purchased. I follow her on Instagram and read her blog where she explains how to execute all the assignments as well. This is the most phenomenal product. It really challenges your style of teaching, even if you're new. I love it so so much! - Casidy

This is a must-have resource for a new Civics/American Government teacher or an experienced teacher seeking to change it up. The lessons were clear, organized, and provided all necessary information (including teacher keys and rubrics) to save time and energy. There were many engaging lessons and activities. - Tara

This is phenomenal for homeschool families looking to teach high school Civics, and it doesn’t require additional textbooks or materials. The content was engaging and varied, with interesting projects, primary source document analysis, and essays that tie the unit together. This course is slow and thorough enough my son was able to grasp the material and understand how it’s relevant to today’s issues in government and fast enough that he didn’t lose interest. I learned more from guiding him than I did from attending a very highly regarded public high school. - Julia