How to Be an Antiracist History Teacher

It’s not enough to simply mention people of color in your lectures and station activities or stress the American ideals of equality and justice. Being an antiracist educator, especially one who... Read More

How to Effectively Build a DBQ Classroom

The document-based essay is hard. Hard to teach. Hard to learn. But that’s because it’s the culmination and synthesis of all the historical thinking skills in one. So, we leave it to... Read More

How to Analyze Primary Sources with This Simple Strategy

The ability to analyze a primary source document effectively is perhaps the most important critical thinking skill students should have walking out of your history class. But where do you even begin... Read More

13 Awesome Kindness Projects for Middle & High School

“Fun!” That’s the reason many students participate in their schools’ Student Council and Leadership programs. They want to have fun. Has that been true for you? Because it’s certainly been... Read More

5 Easy Globalization Activities that Will Shock Your Students

For students who don’t know a time when cell phones didn’t have the internet, it can be tough for them to appreciate just how recently the world became so deeply interconnected. Even... Read More

Designing & Teaching US History Thematically in 5 Steps

For the vast majority of us, our high school United States History class was taught chronologically, and the idea of a thematic structure wasn’t even one you philosophized over with... Read More

12 Classroom Activities That Awesome Social Studies Teachers Use

Content can be a killer.  It dominates everything in secondary social studies. But that doesn’t mean it has to be all drill and kill. While PBL and thematic units are my jam,... Read More

12 Best Instructional Strategies to Thrive as a Social Studies Teacher

Teaching high schoolers is an intimidating beast.  There, I said it, because it doesn’t do anyone any good to keep that truth unspoken.  But it’s also a ton of fun... Read More

5 Activity Ideas for Teaching about World Poverty

For students who have never known an existence outside their G7 lifestyle, it can be tough to understand the intensity and pervasiveness of extreme worldwide poverty. It’s mind blowing to... Read More

Incorporating an Oral History Interview Project into your Social Studies Class

Adding in more project-style inquiry learning is equal parts exciting and overwhelming. And creates a lot of questions.  However, if you carefully select a project you know will hit meaningfully... Read More